Thoughts on going virtual for assessment and intervention?

Posted Le 12 avril 2020

With the current epidemic, I am wondering your thoughts, experience and advice for addressing falls prevention without being able to assess the individual/environment in person? 

I am a primary care OT and falls prevention among community dwelling older adults (majority with multi-morbidities, including cognitive impairment) is a large part of my role. This often takes place alongisde a complex geriatric assessment. 

Here are my two cents (so far...):
What's been helpful
- Involving a support person or caregiver
- Trying to focus in on 'key' concerns, knowing we can aim to do a more comprehensive assessment in future
- Mailing out resources with pictures, and calling the patient for follow-up 
- Sending links to video and web resources (e.g. technique for getting up from a fall)

What has been tricky 
- So far all have been telephone conversations (vs. video)
- How collect info/details from patients in a concise, simple yet thorough way 
- Not everyone has access to a support person
- Establishing rapport by telephone
- Whether or not to make any recommendations about mobility aids...

Any input you may have is very appreciated!